Binahong (Boussingaultia cordifolia, Boussingaultia basselloides) is a medicinal plant known from mainland China with the original name Dheng San Chi. This plant has been known to have extraordinary healing kasiat and has thousands of years are consumed by the nation of China, Korea, Taiwan etc.. In Southeast Asia, this plant is compulsory consumption when the population of Vietnam against the American invasion, but unfortunately this plant is still foreign to the region of Indonesia. This mysterious vines because not a lot of literature and scientific research that reveals his usefulness. However, empirically, people use it to help the healing process of various diseases.
Almost all parts of the plant can be utilized binahong. Tubers, stems and leaves can be used in Binahong herbal therapy. All parts of this berkasiat vines, ranging from roots, stems and leaves. Pemanfaatanya can be cooked or eaten as fresh vegetables to the leaves. These plants grow vines. Often used as gendola or circular arch over the road park. There are named binahong and originating from Korea. This plant is still a family with gendola (Basella rubra Linn) and one order with spinach.
* Main Kasiat Binahong:
- Accelerate the restoration of health after surgery, childbirth, circumcision,
all the wounded in, colitis.
- Smooth and normalize circulation and blood pressure.
- Prevents stroke, ulcer, gout.
- Adding and restore the vitality of the immune system.
- Wazir (pile)
- Smooth urination, defecation.
- Diabetes
- Sprue weight
- Dizziness, headache
- Stomach pain etc.
* Pengkonsumsiannya:
His dose disesuaian with the ability of our bodies, try with an odd number (1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9, etc.).
* Processing:
- Direbusan: (leaf / stem / roots in an odd number),
- 3 cups boiling water until it becomes a glass for drinking.
- Planed: Leaves gently planed with a spoon until the production /
shaped like a slime / jelly, directly consumed.
- Sleep / compress: Leaves, Stem / Root decoction results can be used for
sleep / compress.
* Dose stages:
- Introduction Dose: 1 to 3 Leaf / Stem / Root (2 x daily for 3 days)
- Dose of Healing: 1 s / d according to their needs (2 x daily on days 4 to
evaluation is enough)
- Closing Dose: 1 to 3 Leaf / Stem / Root (2 x daily for 3 days)
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