Plants Clove (Syzygium aromaticum). In Indonesia, cloves are planted either in suitable lowland area near the beach or in mountains at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. including herbaceous plant species, which are usually planted on the right is open, a lot of gardening community Indonesian clove plantations, in addition to create a mixture of cigarettes is also efficacious for kesehatan.jadi cloves have a high economical value. Clove is also able to survive up to tens or even hundreds of years
@ The characteristics of clove plantations, namely:
* Large trees and woody stems tough,,
* Height can reach 20 -30 meters and
* Fairly dense branches.
* The branches are generally long and filled with small twigs are easily broken.
* Crown or also commonly known as cone-shaped canopy trees of clove.
* Clove Leaf green with elongated oval tip
* Panggkalnya oblique, have average sizes ranging from 2-3 cm in width and length of leaves without the stems ranged from 7.5 -12.5 cm.
* Flowers and fruit appear at the end of clove leaves with twig stems pendekserta bertandan.
* At the time of a young flower color purplefish clove, then changed to greenish yellow and changed again to pink when they are older. Medium flowers blackish brown keringakan clove and spicy taste
* Plant cloves will grow well if enough water and getting direct sunlight.
@ Gynecology Cloves are:
* Flowers of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) in addition to containing essential oils,
* A chemical compound called eugenol,
* Oleanolat acid,
* Galotanat acid,
* Fenilin, karyofilin,
* Resins and
* GOM.
@ Usefulness Cloves are:
* Toothache
* Sinusitis
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Bloating
* Incoming wind
* Headache
* Inflammation of the stomach
* Cough
* Missed period
* Arthritis
* Measles and others.
@ Remedy Traditional clove plants to cure various diseases:
1. Cholera and increase heart rate
* Flowers are dried clove
* Chew disesap water, is done every day.
2 Measles
* 10 clove flower seeds
* Sugar cube
* Interest ripe cloves soaked in water overnight
* Then supplemented with rock sugar and stir until evenly distributed.
* Drunk little by little
3. Blacken eyebrows
* 5-7 dried clove flower seeds
* Hazelnut oil.
* Clove flower burned to charred,
* Then be ground into powder
* Plus hazelnut oil to taste.
* Smeared on the eyebrows every afternoon.
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