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Katu plant properties

Plants Katu (Sauropus androgyus of the tribe Euphorbiaceae L Merr). One of the options that nutrient-rich vegetables and delicious and the Indonesian Society katu most familiar with the properties or the community leaves much to cultivate this crop and optimize keunggulannya.Tanaman this herb is easily grown in Southeast Asia and suitable for use as fence

@ Plant Characteristics katu namely:

* Leaves dark green
* 1-2 m high
* Small twigs
* Leaves 2-3 cm

@ Katu Gynecology plants or katuk namely:

* Protein
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin B
* Vitamin C
* Fat in levels high enough
* Minerals.
* Minerals potassium,
* Calcium,
* Phosphorus,
* Magnesium
* Iron
* Leaf chlorophyll

@ Katu Usefulness Plants

* Mothers who are breastfeeding
* Circulatory
* Blood Pembukuh heart.
* Constipation
* Ulcers or wounds
* Farambusi etc.

@ Potion or in plants to cope with the disease are:

1. Constipation

* 200 grams of leaves a clean fresh katu
* Boiled with 200 cc of water for 10 minutes,
* Then strain the cooking water
* Drunk two times a day.

2. ulcers or wounds

* Katu leaves to taste
* Crushed
* Provide information on injuries or ulcers are evenly distributed.

3. Farambusia

* A quarter of the leaf cell katu
* Crushed into powder,
* Add a quarter cup of water and a little salt,
* Stir until evenly
* Filtered water.
* Water filter results are drunk
* Twice a day
* Pulp juice in the scrub-rub on the affected body part raspberries.

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